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2016-01-06 22:01:07

I'd like to open a ●●●●●●ss ●●●●●●t does ●●●●●● come 75 mg ●●●●●● If I was the GM, I would keep the core group of this Jays team ●●●●●●, but try and get ●●●●●●ing good from an NL team for B●●●●●● and B●●●●●●io, ●●●●●●er or ●●●●●●tely. I would try and ●●●●●●e ●●●●●● the plate and at ●●●●●● base. I would let Melky’s ●●●●●●ct ●●●●●● at the end of next year, while not ●●●●●●g up the ●●●●●●s on Lind’s deal so that I could DH Melky in 2014 and not have him ●●●●●●ing ●●●●●● the ●●●●●●ld on ●●●●●●d knees and ●●●●●●ings. Of ●●●●●● that means ●●●●●●r need for an ●●●●●●lder. Since A●●●●●● Gose’s ego has ●●●●●● up a ●●●●●● ●●●●●●ock, that could be an issue. Since Rajai is a free agent at the end of the year and is not the ●●●●●● in terms of ●●●●●●g him to a multi-year ●●●●●●ct, there is a need there as well. Even ●●●●●●t B●●●●●● and if J●●●●●● stays ●●●●●●r year, a ●●●●●●y Jays’ ●●●●●●on is fine maybe with the ●●●●●●on of one solid mid-●●●●●●on guy and the ●●●●●●n is ●●●●●●owing when Santos and Luis Rivera ●●●●●●, with the guys they have now and Neil Wagner in the wings.